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Restaurant Week 2010: Top Menu


As of last night, there were fifteen menus posted at the Guilderland Chamber of Commerce site for their 2010 Taste of Guilderland.  The only menu missing is Houlihan’s.

Now I love reading menus.  So whenever there is a Restaurant Week going on somewhere close by, I enjoy poring over what each venue has chosen to serve.  In the spring was Albany’s latest restaurant week promotion, and I didn’t have the best things to say.

But today I’m going to stay positive.

To my great surprise MezzaNotte looks like the best menu of the bunch.  I’m only surprised because their menu has never struck me before as terribly appealing.

They win because of all the menus this year, MezzaNotte’s is the only one to pay homage to the season.  It’s summer, dammit.  That means time for lighter preparations and bright flavors.  It’s time to break out the seasonal produce like peppers and basil and zucchini.  And instead of offering the ubiquitous farmed Atlantic salmon, which is still on too many menus, they are preparing trout.  Should it be Rainbow or Golden trout, as I suspect, this selection is a Seafood Watch “Best Choice.”

The only thing to veer off from the season is their Polpette del Pollo – chicken & mushroom meatballs served over creamy three-cheese polenta.  But that just sounds too delicious to knock.  And for dessert is a blood orange semifreddo with amaretti crumbs!  If executed properly, this should be cool, light, sweet and tart: a wonderful way to end a summer meal.  And I can just imagine the vivid color playing off the evening’s sunset.

All of this for $20.10.

In part they are able to do it because there are no super-premium ingredients in play.  For example, one dish is just bread, onion and a bit of cheese.  But it all comes together in a coherent, authentic cuisine.  If some restaurant were able to figure out how to execute this strategy all year round, they would be very successful indeed.

By the way… isn’t Creo in Guilderland?
Why aren’t they participating in Restaurant Week?

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